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How the Spending Bill Could Impact Your Business & a Few More Federal Law Updates

How the Spending Bill Could Impact Your Business & a Few More Federal Law Updates

There’s a lot happening at the federal level right now, and many of these changes will impact businesses throughout the U.S. Secure Act 2.0 Narrowly missing our December newsletter, the…

Self-Insured PEO Firm Payroll Software Capabilities (Ohio)

Self-Insured PEO Firm Payroll Software Capabilities (Ohio)

SuretyHR is here to help you save time and money when it comes to your company’s payroll. Our payroll software has capabilities that allow you to do just that! Every…

Ohio BWC Premiums: How to Save With Destination Excellence

Ohio BWC Premiums: How to Save With Destination Excellence

Destination Excellence is a variety of programs that Ohio employers can take advantage of in addition to traditional group rating and group retrospective rating programs. These programs are designed to…

Title IIX for Ohio Employers

Title IIX for Ohio Employers

Title IIX of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a landmark for civil rights and U.S. labor laws which outlaws discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or natural origin. Within…

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