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Title IIX for Ohio Employers

Title IIX of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a landmark for civil rights and U.S. labor laws which outlaws discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or natural origin. Within this Act, there are multiple laws that need to be addressed as you’re an Ohio employer. 

If your business has 15 or more employees:

All employers with 15 or more employees have to comply, and compliance is mandatory to be considered as an equal opportunity employer and avoid discrimination according to protected characteristics.

Your business is under the radar with less than 15 employees, but many employers that have 15 or more employees aren’t even aware that they have to comply with this.

Even if your business has less than 15 employees, it is still important for you to know about these mandates, because you will one day likely have more than 15 employees and then you’ll have to comply.

Employers Must File an Actual EEO-1 Report if:

  • Your business has over 100 employees
  • If you have less than 100 employees but your business is owned by or affiliated with a control company that has 100 hundred employees 
  • If you have 50 or more employees AND you have a federal contract/subcontract worth more than $50,000
  • If your business has 50 or more employees AND you act as an issuing and paying agent for U.S. Savings Bonds OR serve as a depository of government funds

If you are a business owner and your company falls under one of these categories listed above, you are required to comply and file this EEO-1 report. If you fail to do so, you will be subject to fines and penalties.

If you’re an Ohio business owner, it is crucial that you make sure that you are aware of how Title IIV affects you. Contact us at SuretyHR with any questions or to make sure that you know you’re taking the proper precautions doing those reports and staying compliant.

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