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Outsourcing FMLA May Be the Break Your HR Department Needs Right Now

Outsourcing FMLA May Be the Break Your HR Department Needs Right Now

FMLA has been maligned by HR departments for years, not only because of the amount of work involved – but also the amount of expertise. Do you ever feel like…

Are Missing Ohio BWC Group Retrospective Refunds Complicating Your Budget for 2022?

Are Missing Ohio BWC Group Retrospective Refunds Complicating Your Budget for 2022?

Back in August, we told you that Ohio BWC wouldn’t be paying Group Retrospective refunds to employers who participated in Retro during the 2018 and 2019 policy years. For the…

Missed the Ohio BWC True-Up Report Due Date? We Can Help

Missed the Ohio BWC True-Up Report Due Date? We Can Help

Serious financial consequences can impact the employer that misses the True-Up payroll report deadline for the Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation (BWC). That annual deadline passed on August 15th. If…

PEO Management in Ohio

PEO Management in Ohio

When we talk to prospects about SuretyHR, our self-insured Ohio PEO (professional employer organization), we get a lot of very different reactions – confusion, curiosity, blank stares and occasionally –…

How the American Rescue Plan Act Could Impact Your Business

How the American Rescue Plan Act Could Impact Your Business

The American Rescue Plan Act is Signed Into Law The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), which is the latest bill to address the ongoing economic impacts of COVID-19, has been…

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